Good Parent, Don’t Miss the Best for Your Children

Good Parent, Don’t Miss the Best for Your Children

What conscientious parent doesn’t want the best for their children? Even before our babies enter the world, we do our best to provide them with the best nutrition, the best prenatal care, and the best environment. We search for the safest car seat, the softest...

A Lost Dog, a Newborn Baby, and God’s Love

A Lost Dog, a Newborn Baby, and God’s Love

Missing: White husky with blue eyes and a pink nose with one freckle on it.  This post on Craigslist tugged at my heart. First, because although I’ve never had a dog go missing, I have loved one enough to know what it would feel like if he were lost. Second,...

10 Tips to Keep Your Love Alive

10 Tips to Keep Your Love Alive

If your marriage survives its first few years, when do you think the next greatest threat will come? Year seven? Ten? Fifteen? Dr. Gary Chapman, author of The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted, tells us the second highest rate of divorce occurs not in the challenging...

Why Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect

Why Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect

The acrid smell of chlorine stung my nose as I peered through the damp air. I couldn’t see the swimmers because of the warm tendrils of steam rising from the churning surface of the pool. All I could see were heads, arms, and an occasional foot rising above the...